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What is a Habilitation?


A habilitation is the highest academic degree that can be obtained at an academic university.

Significance in Academia

In Germany and other countries, a habilitation is traditionally required for teaching at universities and serves as a formal qualification for becoming a university professor.


Thesis Requirement

A habilitation thesis is a substantial academic work that can either be a single paper or multiple connected papers.

It demonstrates the candidate's research abilities and depth of knowledge in their field.

Rigorous Evaluation

The habilitation thesis is subject to a rigorous evaluation by a committee of experts in the candidate's field.

Successful completion requires a significant level of scholarship and research.

Limited Empirical Data

Impact on Academic Career

Despite its importance, there is limited empirical data on the impact of habilitation on an academic's career.

However, it is widely recognized as a prestigious qualification and often opens doors to leadership positions in academia.
