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San Diegans Plagued By Power Outages Amid Blistering Heat

San Diegans Plagued By Power Outages Amid Blistering Heat

Power outages swept through San Diego this week, leaving thousands of residents without power amid a brutal heat wave.

The outages, which began on Monday, were caused by a combination of factors, including high temperatures, aging infrastructure, and increased demand for electricity.

According to San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), the outages affected more than 100,000 customers at their peak.

SDG&E crews worked to restore power as quickly as possible, but some outages lasted for several hours.

The outages caused widespread disruption, with many residents losing power for their air conditioners, refrigerators, and other essential appliances.

The heat wave, which has sent temperatures soaring into the triple digits, has only made the outages more difficult to bear.

The outages also highlighted the need for the city of San Diego to invest in its aging infrastructure.

According to a report by the San Diego County Water Authority, the city's water and energy infrastructure is in need of significant upgrades.

The report found that the city's water system is "at risk of failure" and that the city's energy grid is "overloaded and outdated."

The city has begun to take steps to address the issue, but more needs to be done to ensure that the city's infrastructure is prepared for future challenges.

In the meantime, residents are urged to take precautions to stay safe during the heat wave.

These precautions include staying hydrated, avoiding strenuous activity, and spending time in air-conditioned areas.

Residents are also urged to report any downed power lines or other hazards to SDG&E.

SDG&E has set up a website where residents can report outages and track the restoration process.
